A not for profit animal rescue located in Melbourne, Australia, providing rescue, rehabilitation and/or palliative care to injured and disabled chickens and other small animals. We also offer regular meditation groups and End of Life Doula services for those with beloved animal companions.
The chickens receive the best of veterinary care as required. For some this means regular visits and ongoing treatments, while others need a vet visit for diagnosis which usually involves, X-ray, swabs or blood tests. Wheelchairs and other mobility aids are such a big help to the hospice gang and we are so lucky to have these custom made by Belinda at Happier Pets.
Other treatments include physio and massage therapy from Melissa at Pawsitive Animal Therapies who visits weekly, When Nicole can not be home the Hospice chickens are cared for by professional animal carer Belinda.
We are so lucky to have the most beautiful vet Dr Rachel at Hobsons Bay Vet Clinic and use specialist vets when necessary.
A collection of videos showing the day to day activity of Rosie's Hospice. Follow us on instagram to stay up to date.